Most of the time when people are talking about tuning, it starts to get quickly quite ugly technical.
I had the opportunity to do some tuning for a customer myself, I didn't pushed the pedal to the metal, but found some simple rules I could follow.
- BC View Tuning
- as-needed = iterator range size
- fetch size batches = rows displayed + 1
- max fetch size = -1
- AM
- jbo.ampool.initpoolsize=10% more then concurrent users
- jbo.recycletreshold = nbr concurrent users
- jbo.ampool.monitorsleepinterval= 14400000 = 4uur
- jbo.dofailover=true
- jbo.locking.mode=optimistic
- jbo.doconnectionpooling=false
- Pagedefinition
- Iterator Rangesize = number of rows displayed
- Iterator RowCountTreshold = -1
- Taskflows
- activation = defer
Everything else is common sense :-).
Hopes this gets you started.
Quite use full tips for tuning.I have also stated few points on performance of ADF on